Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Kiwi Christmas
Monday, December 20, 2010
Our things have arrived!
Nevertheless, on Monday morning we got a call to say the container had cleared customs and they were going to deliver it on Tuesday - great work we thought! The guys didn't turn up until about 4pm though. They unloaded the container and then pretty much failed to unpack and reassemble the furniture they were supposed to.
Still, Ian thought it was probably for the best as we now had to play the game of "Where is all of our cr@p going to fit?!" Over the years we appear to have acquired an awful lot of stuff. Which was fine in our mahoosive American house. Not so much in our NZ house. And we'd have probably had a similar experience if we'd moved back to the UK.
Can you believe that our entire worldly possessions are in that little container?!! No, neither can we. It looks like it would all fit so easily, but just try unpacking all those god damn boxes!
As you can see, it was a pretty wet day - but apparently this is typical of the Wellington summer. A bit like the British one really!
The rest of the run up to Christmas was pretty hectic. Ian has been working pretty long hours to get fully trained up and covering for guys on holiday. Annalie had a mad rush to get work cleared up before the Christmas break (she's off from 22nd December to 10th January!). Annalie went out to see the Rocky Horror Show at one of the Wellington theatres. She only really went as Richard O'Brien was in it and it was a great opportunity (possibly the last?) to see the show's creator actually take part in it on stage.
We've not had a huge amount of time to get out and about yet, but our time will come. And then we'll have some good stories to tell!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Maddy is a Kiwi!
As you can see from this pic, we were able to visit Maddy in quarantine, which is in Levin, about 1.5 hours' drive from home. They seem to take good care of the animals and we're sure she'll be well looked after. She's staying in a lovely bush surrounding and she can do plenty of her favourite brid-watching activity from her pen! It was hard leaving her behind though, as much for us as it was for her. She was so excited to see us after her arduous journey.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Time to catch up
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A moody, special photo of Wellington Harbour
Two months in
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Our house - in the middle of our street!
Also check out some of the other photos he's taken from a different angle this time. It's turning out to be a cracking Spring with a dry, warm summer in store. But the weather forecasters here are about as good as the UK...
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We've found a house
Without a car, we've not been able to explore as much as we'd like. We decided that the location of Ian's work would dictate where we went. For a while we thought we'd be focusing on Petone, when Ian got a job in Lower Hutt.
But he gave that job up so we were a bit in limbo again. Well, very soon after leaving his last job, he's been offered one doing what he's done a lot of - aircraft refueller at the airport! At the moment he's due to start on 15th November for training and induction, but he's now got another interview with Airport Operations! So anyway, at least we know now that he's going to be working at the airport!
So we were able to focus our minds on areas a little. We decided to jump on the bus to Miramar and Seatoun (pronounced sea-toon) to have a look around. One thing that we noticed was that all the parks had "no dogs" signs on them. So we were struggling to find places we could take Maddy (when she arrives).
Although the area was nice, the apparent dog "unfriendliness" was a big downfall. So we decided to widen our search area. We also decided to hire a car for the weekend to get around with greater ease. So, we dutifully set up some house viewings in Karori, Island Bay (x2) and Plimmerton. All very different areas in very different parts of the region!
The second house we saw was in Island Bay. We established a nice rapport with the landlady and were having a laugh. Things seemed to be going well until she mentioned she didn't want "kids or animals". Our hearts sank as it was a really nice house. As we prepared to leave we mentioned how we were interested in the house but she wouldn't be interested in us, as we have a dog. All of a sudden this wasn't such an issue, there were offers to put a dog door in the garage and finish the fencing off to give us a secure place for her to go. It wasn't a done deal as we still had others to see, but we had a good feeling. The house is right next door to a dog friendly reserve and there is a dog friendly beach at the bottom of the hill (a 3-minute drive or about a 5-10-minute walk). Serendipity?
We visited the last two houses on our list (the first in Karori was a complete no go-er - it was awful!) but both were tiny, if lovely houses. We didn't even mention Maddy to these.
And so we told Vicki, the landlady, we were most interested in the house, she responded that we were her preferred tenants out of everyone they'd seen, but we decided to go back on the Sunday to have a more practical viewing. At this viewing we met Bruce, the landlord, and all seemed to go just as well. Bruce is a (short) plumber and this is evident in the height of the showers! The en suite doesn't even reach Ian's chin! :-D so they're going to put a monsoon/rain head shower in to rectify that. And so the deal was done. And we move in on 4th December.
So that's the major milestone, but what else have we been up to? Well, whilst having a wander around Miramar, we stumbled upon Weta Cave, the retail and mini museum related to Weta. This is a movie/TV special effects company that brought us Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Avatar, District 9 and will be bringing us The Hobbit as well. A fascinating place, a behind-the-scenes video shows you how it all works. The only photos we have include "Flat Stanley" so you'll have to put up with them!
We also continued our winning streak since arriving. Annalie won a Twitter competition for two free tickets to see the local football team, the Wellington Phoenix. They're the only NZ professional side, but it's not quite the standard we're used to! It was honestly like watching Sunday league at times! The Phoenix ended a winning streak while we were there so we're obviously bad luck for footy teams at the "Cake Tin"! Maybe we'll give football a miss down here!
We also both won t-shirts of Rico - Air New Zealand's new mascot who's becoming a social media icon! Click here to learn more about him and see some of his videos - parental guidance recommended!!
NZ also celebrates Bonfire Night - although there's no bonfires! Just fireworks. With the natural harbour that is Wellington, there are many good vantage points. We decided to stick to the Waterfront though. We met our friends Vanessa and Dave (we mentioned Vanessa from the SPCA previously - we've had a couple of nights out with them) and stayed at the pub until 5 minutes to go. Unfortunately a bad Southerly storm was starting and it was freezing stood out on the exposed wharf for the 12.5 minutes of the event! But it was a good display, even coming from the home of fireworks displays! Then it was back to the pub!!
We've also celebrated our first birthday out here! Ian's birthday present was finding our rental house! It wasn't the greatest way to spend a birthday, but it was an important achievement for our new life here and the next step towards settling down. We finished the day with dinner in a bar watching a rugby league international (Kiwis vs Kangeroos - NZ vs Australia) and then Vanessa and Dave joined us after a trip to the theatre. We ended up in The Library lounge - an interesting place with much "retro" furniture that makes the place smell like your grandparent's front room! The sofas were that old that they ate you! Getting up out of them was a challenge in itself!
Our move has been somewhat vindicated as well. OK, not exactly, but Lonely Planet has declared Wellington is the fourth best place to visit in 2011. And it is also, apparently, the coolest little capital in the world. So do you think we made a good choice? Although we will admit that it was more fate than intention that brought us to Wellington!
We'll leave you with a picture of Island Bay - just a few minutes from where we will be living.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It's been a month already!

Monday, October 18, 2010
We're back to being DINKs
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A year ago today...
When we came to Wellington last year, we spent less than 24 hours here and did't really think much of it. I think our opinion is changing! Welly is vibrant and is small enough to be able to reach pretty much everything that is going on. It's a funky little city - and we use the term "city" very loosely!
It's a nice place to live. We just need to figure out where we are actually going to live!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Nearly three weeks in
There's also loads of websites, such as Grab One, Groupy and 1-Day Deals to get some great bargains. We've already had $6 hot dogs for $2, a $10 coffee voucher for $4, a $95 facial for $35 (that was for Annalie of course!) and we've been tempted by others.
One thing stopping us is the NZ bank card system. With your current account, you get an EFTPOS card. It works just like a debit card in that the money comes straight from your account. The difference is that you can only use it in person so you can't buy things on the web with it. To do that you need a Visa debit card, which is more what we're familiar with, or a credit card. So why haven't we sorted out such cards? They all have service fees attached - unlike the UK or US. So it's one of those things that we've put off but will no doubt have to get soon and bite the bullet.
It's the small things that get you sometimes!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Look what's been sleeping in our bed...
We're currently without t'interweb at home so Annalie is sneaking this one in at work! We'll update you properly shortly.
But we just thought this would interest you - look what's been found just off Wellington Harbour!
Monday, September 27, 2010
One week in
On Sunday we headed up to the Porirua area to meet up with a contact Annale had made and to look around another potential area to live. The weather didn't co-ordinate as it had done the previous day, but sometimes it's better to see these places at their worst.
We had a look around Whitby (no translation needed!), Paremata, Aotea, Papakowhai (Papa-koh-fy), Camborne, Mana and Plimmerton. All described as good areas to live. Ian took a strong fancy to Plimmerton, because it is seafront and a surfing beach - but the prices are reflective of this. Perhaps Annalie will have to get him to settle for a view of the sea rather than right on the water!
Other things we can tell you about our new home. It's very hilly! The distance between The Terrace and Lambton Quay is not huge, but the difference in elevation is quite something! Annalie's walk to work is really easy, but the return journey is not so straightforward. Still, we're hoping that it's all good for the thighs! Welly is also very much a walking city. There's not much parking to be had and it's pretty flat once you're down in the CBD and waterfront areas.
We've also been blessed with the weather. There's been some fantastic days since we got here, nowhere near as bad as we thought it would be this early in Spring. Of course it is changeable too. We live on a peninsula on the Cook Straights. The weather can be every season in a single day. Keeps you on your toes though!
The people that we're meeting are extremely friendly. The first day we got here we went into a mobile phone shop to ask about unlocking phones and got talking to the West Country couple who ran it! We also got talking to a Kiwi on the flight over from London who lives about 50kms up the coast and runs a business around the corner from Annalie's work. Everyone has been really helpful and happy to give us advice/ask us out for a drink/help us settle in. Even when we're asked where we've moved from and we say "America" they quickly notice we're not American!
And Kiwi TV isn't as bad as we expected and we have a few of the programmes we had been watching in the States, and some from the UK. We might just be a few seasons behind right now!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A quick update
After our overnight flight from JFK to London, we managed to escape the airport for a couple of hours. TC came to pick us up and took us to the Brunel institution - the Wondercafe - for a final farewell brunch. We were met there by Somerset and Rachel as well. It was a lovely opportunity to see the girls before we headed out on our new adventure.
And off we go to Auckland.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The journey starts
Our journey is taking us on an overnight flight to Heathrow. We then spend 5.5 hours there, enjoying a goodbye brunch with some of our dearest friends, before we set off on a 29-hour journey to Wellington. No one ever said we did things the easy way!
We will land in Wellington at 8am on Monday morning. We have an apartment provided for the first couple of weeks to enable us to find our own rental. We are thinking about taking on a short-term furnished apartment in a fairly central location to start with. We don't anticipate the container with our worldly goods to arrive in Welly before early December. Taking on a short-term let will mean we get the chance to look around and figure out where we want to live long term and establish ourselves a little bit. We'll see how that goes.
It was very sad leaving Maddy behind :( Ian had the task of taking her to our friend's on his own. Annalie is glad she didn't have to face that one. If all goes well, and flights being on time, she will reach NZ at the start of December and we could pick her up from quarantine on 31st December - just in time to see the New Year in as a family ;)
We have also left behind some very dear friends that we have made over the last 2.5 years. The guys from the Fire Department that have made Ian feel like part of the family. The dear friends that Annalie has had some very fun times with and also worked hard with - you know who you are! We love and miss you all.
Other than that there's not much else to update you on. Obviously the photos will begin soon, once we get to NZ. But we've got a long way to go before that happens.