Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy here

We don't know how well you can see this photo but it's Maddy on the walk near us. She looks so happy and smiley we thought it was just a nice way to express we're happy here. All three of us. You can't have everything. It isn't perfect by any stretch. After all, our friends and family aren't closer. But in the grand scheme of things, there are much worse places to live.

Just ask "Little Ms M".

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Although we're well into our Kiwiland adventure, we thought it is worth noting a milestone that gives us a little more freedom. Or at the very least, frees us from a shackle.

Our house in Derby is sold. Some of you may be thinking we sold it ages ago. But as ever with the English property system, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Or at least until she exchanges contracts for us.

Because we had tenants living in the house, we couldn't exchange until they'd moved out. That happened this past weekend and all the inspections took place and the buyer was satisfied.

So we exchanged. And we'll complete on Thursday. And then that's it. Goodbye lovely house.

We've actually not lived in the house longer than we actually lived in it! But it was still ours. Bricks and mortar that represented something of an accomplishment. Now we're homeless. Well, not quite. But we're not on he property ladder any more.

We're in no rush to buy here yet. We're still settling in, and besides, it's probably cheaper to rent anyway! We have a nice house, in an area that we really like and it works well for us.

We'll just have to make sure more of you get to see it ;-)