This week has seen a collection of running personal bests coming Annalie's way.
On Sunday she'd decided to pop over to Masterton in the Wairarapa to take part in a 10k race. It was only her second at this distance so she was confident that she'd beat her original time.
Her colleague is an experienced triathlete so she had a personalised plan written. It was only for three weeks, so rather a lot shorter than a proper plan would be, but it was something to focus on.
Although going in rested, Annalie made the fatal mistake of not taking her camelback and getting a bit dehydrated (it was hotter over there than in Welly). But she still achieved her goal of being in the 51s. Just. The watch said 55 seconds. But the official time was 59.
The second PB came on Tuesday night. Annalie had never taken part in the Waterfront 5k, mainly due to it clashing with football. But this week she was roped into it for work, promising to be running mate for the CE.
Turns out he didn't need it, as he flew off. But Annalie was determined to beat her Parkrun best of 24:41. She's been trying to surpass that each week but to no avail, getting within 5 seconds but not close enough.
The waterfront event is a faster course so she thought she'd be in with a good chance of beating out. With a few people to focus on, she was able to push herself through and shave a whopping 32 seconds off! The watch was off again, this time it was 4 seconds over. She was obviously too glad to finish to stop her watch in time!
The PBs just get harder to achieve now though. But it's probably back to half marathon training now. Round the Bays is looming in February. And there's a PB to beat there too :-)