Unlike the UK, NZ has a couple of bank holidays that are not "Mondayised". That is they are observed on the actual date rather than moving to the nearest Monday.
Today was ANZAC Day. The NZ and Australian equivalent of Rememberance Day. It honours the fallen at a World War II battle at Gallipoli.
Miraculously we were both off. So the day started out with a walk from our house around a newly upgraded track in our local Tawatawa Reserve.
The 3.5km walk took us up to the Te Rauparaha monument, high above Owhiro Bay.
As you can see, it was a glorious day, if a little windy. But it wouldn't be Wellington without wind ;-)
We followed this up with brunch at our friends' house after we'd worked up an appetite. And then there was a doggy play date for Maddy with some more friends and their new dog.
A relaxing day before we're back to work tomorrow. It's odd having a midweek bank holiday!
(Last year, ANZAC clashed with Easter Monday so we didn't have a separate holiday for it)
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