Monday, October 8, 2012

We live in the Middle of Middle Earth

For those who don't know, Wellington has a burgeoning film industry, with one of the world's leading special effects workshops, Weta, occupying a non-descript, but highly secure, lot in Miramar.

The famous Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed across NZ, including several locations in Wellington (including Mount Vic). And all the special effects were done out of the nondescript Miramar location.

Now the prequel(s) to LOTR, The Hobbit, are due to premiere next month. Again, Wellington has been at the heart of the production, and the film's launch is, fittingly going to be held here.

In celebration of the premiere, Wellington is going to be renamed "The Middle of Middle Earth" for one whole week. We just hope we're not going all become Hobbits as well!

The Hobbit trailer

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